The wonderful and organized Directors of the Pageant, Brend Bump & Linda Teahon

"Way Out in Ogallala Where You Can Whoop and Holler Ain't Nobodies Business But Our Own"
Okay, Okay you have to forgive me. I was having a flashback moment to my Front Street Showgirl Days and had to bust out in song! Now that I have my musical tribute out of my system I will go on with the blog.
I hail from a small town that most of you have never heard of much less pronounce. Ogallala. I might have big city dreams but I'm a small town girl at heart and I am SO incredibly lucky to have grown up in a community that is so devoted to values, family, education, faith, hard work and genuine heart. That being said, I was so thrilled to be asked to come be apart of the 25th Annual Ogallala Indian Summer Rendezvous. For those who haven't had the pleasure to attend the Rendezvous it is a blast and half! Seriously!
I got to ride in the Homecoming parade as well as emcee the High School Pep Rally, sign pictures and take pictures with the people/friends/family/neighbors/teachers that I love the most.
I also got to emcee the "Little Miss Rendezvous/Mr. Mountain Man" Contest. These little kids were a kick in the pants, so much sass and moxy, I loved it! Highlights? I had a little boy named Harry who growled at me not once, but five times. I found a choreographer for my talent at Miss America, she's six and has some mean dance moves. The majority of children in Ogallala want to grow up to be "rockstars" and believe they should win because "they like it."
So much fun!
Proud OG Alum,