Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Peace. Love. Joy.....Positive Energy

So you know the feeling that comes over your body right before you get out of bed? Not the groggy/lucid/I need coffee feeling, the other one. The calm feeling of being aware of your surroundings and in tune with all of the sensations around you. The peaceful feeling you are held in right before the daily grind hits you. Got it? Okay good, now take that peaceful feeling and multiple it times 100. That's what is radiating through my body.
From the tip of my toes to the crown on my head, I have such an incredible comfort and ease in myself as the countdown to Las Vegas draws near. Maybe I've been taking too many yoga classes, or maybe I have an incredible support system. I choose the later.
In a word, my Send-Off in North Platte was magical. Did I love modeling my wardrobe and performing my talent and answering mock interview questions? Yes. But the magic from the event came from the energy and excitement in the air. I may be getting a little deep, but I can honestly say that standing in the banquet room amongst friends, family, sponsors and supporters I literally felt enveloped in love and belief. Its one thing to be innately proud and confident in your abilities but quite another to be surrounded by people who also believe you could be Miss America. I'm so incredibly humbled and grateful for everyone who has helped me get to this point. My Miss Nebraska judges advice to me was to enter the Miss America Pageant the same way I did state; totally relaxed, enthusiastic and present. Check. Check. Check.

THANK YOU to all of the incredible people in the Nebraska contingent who have allowed me to step into this dream completely unencumbered and ready to rock the Vegas stage! I'm ready for whatever is in the plan for me. Sorry, no photos of the wardrobe. I guess you'll just have to come to Las Vegas to see it on the stage!

On another note, in the midst of preparing I have chatted with several of my Miss America sisters on the phone and they share the same excitement I do. Like me they are also concerned about how many suitcases the airline will let them ship but that's beside the point...I can't wait to reunite with them! Time of our lives here we come!
These past few weeks I have been busy dancing, working on my fitness, reporting a little, driving ridiculous amounts. On the agenda this week I will be doing final alterations and fittings on my gown and swimsuit and will be talking with Governor Heineman and Senator Ben Nelson about a little thing called health care reform and other pertinent Nebraska Issues. I'll round off the week with Send-Off Party round 2. If you are able to attend it will be the 17th at WestWinds Golf Course in Ogallala from 2-4 pm. Hope to see you there!

I'll continue to keep you updated as the countdown continues. I've received many emails/texts/calls (ahh technology!) about voting details and other odds and ends pertaining to Miss America. I'm making an information page on the blog to help keep up with all of the new updates.

Finally, you can't end a blog entry without an inspirational jam! Here is a link to a song I watched former Miss Nebraska, Krista Knicely Anderson, perform to a few years ago. It's still one of my favorites. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. You are Miss Incredible and it is not just the Nebraska contingent that will be cheering for you. We've never met but i must say i'm impressed. -CA
